Friday, December 3, 2010

Clothes don't make the man

For me the 10th anniversary was special because it was the first large-scale program of the company I had the opportunity to participate in. The celebration was preceeded by long preparation and hard work. My responsibility was to deal with clothing.
     At first we contacted the local museum of Dunaszekcső. The settlement organizes a Roman camp - called Lugio Days - every year (since 2003) with the aim of familiarizing the participating groups with the Roman customs including clothing. There is a significant collection of Roman costumes made by the hard-working hands of local dressmakers. The museum was so noble that it lent the most beautiful pieces to us such as the costume of the emperor, the empress and soldiers.
     After having the clothes I only needed models to wear them. Fortunately, enthusiastic high school students volunteered for this task. Then I collected materials to prepare a presentation and a plan for a fashion show. On Sunday the cemetery was full of smiling teenagers wearing tunics, togas and sandals which supported the Roman atmosphere. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon my presentation was the next in the program. I felt very nervous. But, as always, the presence of a supportive audience, colleagues and family made me perform well. The colourful cavalcade of costumes was very spectacular. 

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