Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Actually, my love for dancing is not a recent thing. The familiy archive video collection is full of my dancing performances - from the age of two - that I liked to do in the dresses and shoes of my mother even if I could fit in those clothes twice. My favourite was lambada and I created several different coreographies to that song. In primary school I attended a rock and roll dance course for two years  in Szekszárd. Then I fell in love with aerobics and I used to be a member of a group for eleven years. We got acquianted with different genres including hip-hop, funky, step aerobics, show and latin dances. We learned several coreographies, participated in a lot of national competitions and were frequent performers of local programs e.g. vintage and pentecost festivals, charity balls, evening programs for companies. Four years ago when I left my home town to continue my studies in a university I had to give up aerobics and I felt I left a part of my dreams there, too. For a couple of years I didn'n find my place in Pécs but luckily I found myself again and I hope this would last for a long time.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to survive winter

      If I think of winter gloomy, dark, cold and sad are the first words that come to my mind. I was born in August and my season is summer. I need sunshine to feel good and in winter time I very often cocoon in my room and, if it is not a must, I don't leave the warm and cozy flat. When I arrive home from school or work in the late afternoon I would rather not switch the TV on because I'm not interested in the Mexican or Hungarian soap operas, the dinner battles, stupid celebrities or even the newest reality shows. Instead I drink hot fruit tea to heat myself up, munch chocolate to obtain hormones of happiness and choose a book or a film to entertain myself. But during the long months of winter I can easily get bored of these things. In order to avoid depression I created my own recipe.
     Ingredients: training clothes (a pair of comfortable shoes is very important), a fitness centre to go to, a good trainer, a group of enthusiastic people and music. Fortunately, I have found all these things in the neighbouring building. I can choose from different types of trainings. Recently I have become a fan of zumba - a new genre which mixes latin, funky and disco elements. Another style I am fond of is kangoo jumps. I feel I started to become addicted. Each and every training is like a party. Everyone  is singing, dancing and enjoying music. When the training reaches the end you feel you don't want to stop. One hour is just not enough. It is like a huge party and you don't want to go home at its height. If I can not go for a couple of days I feel something is missing. And when I enter the room again and see the familiar faces and smiles I forget that outside the weather is terrible.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Clothes don't make the man

For me the 10th anniversary was special because it was the first large-scale program of the company I had the opportunity to participate in. The celebration was preceeded by long preparation and hard work. My responsibility was to deal with clothing.
     At first we contacted the local museum of Dunaszekcső. The settlement organizes a Roman camp - called Lugio Days - every year (since 2003) with the aim of familiarizing the participating groups with the Roman customs including clothing. There is a significant collection of Roman costumes made by the hard-working hands of local dressmakers. The museum was so noble that it lent the most beautiful pieces to us such as the costume of the emperor, the empress and soldiers.
     After having the clothes I only needed models to wear them. Fortunately, enthusiastic high school students volunteered for this task. Then I collected materials to prepare a presentation and a plan for a fashion show. On Sunday the cemetery was full of smiling teenagers wearing tunics, togas and sandals which supported the Roman atmosphere. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon my presentation was the next in the program. I felt very nervous. But, as always, the presence of a supportive audience, colleagues and family made me perform well. The colourful cavalcade of costumes was very spectacular.