Monday, November 22, 2010

Guiding with head lamps

I felt always nervous and excited while I was guiding the first couple of groups in the Cella Septichora Visitor Centre. After a while I started to get used to the situation and guiding became a routine. But before the first evening guiding I felt the same excitement as before. We - me and my colleagues - started to prepare 30 minutes before the actual program. At first we placed about one hundred little candles into the seven apses of the Cella Septichora. Secondly, we went around to light the candles. After that we cut off the main lights completely. That was the time for a brief rehearsal. We had one more surprise for our guests: we decided to dress in authentic Roman clothes - typical tunics - that we borrowed from the International Limes Camp of Dunaszekcső. By the time we finished clothing the visitors arrived - my mother, father and some friends among them. Not only my acquaintances but also the size of the group - we have only 15 head lamps - made the atmosphere familiar to me. The informal nature of the program made the participants more willing to ask questions and that made us more enthusiastic. I think I can say that the night-guide program was successful and we hope that we can make a tradition of it. The next guided tour with head lamps will be organized this week on Friday (26th November) starting at 6 o'clock. You still have the opportunity to come. (Note that previous registration is needed either personally or by telephone.)

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