Thursday, October 21, 2010

A guest

Last month we had a special guest in the Cella Septichora - the artist of our temporary jewel and sculpture exhibition. Pál Kepenyes was born 84 years ago in Hungary. He left the country in 1956 and settled down in Mexico with his wife.  He became well-known on the American continent and his jewels have already been used as accessories in several Hollywood films. Meanwhile, we - Hungarians - could barely hear his name. But Pál Kepenyes did not forget Hungary, his friends and his mother tongue. He is proud of his origin and comes to Hungary very often because he really loves being here. He was glad that the mayor invited him and his works to Pécs. I found his works very impressive but what I liked more was the artist himself. He was very friendly and easy to get on with.  I was very surprised that he - unlike many emigrants - did not forget Hungarian. Moreover he taught the language to his wife. When the exhibition came to an end he even gave parting gifts to us. I got a silver coin with an image of the Virgin Guadalupe made by him. He said it would save me and bring luck in the future and I always carry it with me.

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