Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cella Septichora

Cella Septichora

I would like to introduce a place which has a very important role in my life. It is my work place, the Cella Septichora Visitor Centre, which has been my second home for a while. Actually, it is a cemetery and many people find it weird to work there. There are people who find it rather dangerous and frightening (probably because of the ghosts). For me it doesn't mean desolation and death even if I feel the spirit of the place every day. Quite the opposite: this cemetery is full of life and people. As a part of our World Heritage the late Roman early Christian Cemetery of Pécs/Sopianae is a popular destination for both Hungarian and foreign tourists. This unique subterranean world provides not only unforgettable experiences to the visitors but also place for weddings, cultural events, international conferences and exhibitions.  It's like a time travel back to the Roman Ages amongst the concrete walls of the visitor centre: the 1600-year-old buildings often host modern pieces of art. Among others Mexican jewels, Croatian sculptures, Hungarian felt objects, Gambian photographs and Italian mosaics contributed to the establishment of an intercultural environment. I think the citizens of Pécs can be proud of this beautiful underground complex situated in the heart of the city.

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